This topic will help you generate reports for individual participants. For information on generating group reports, click here.
You generate a report for a participant after they have completed the assessment.
The type of report available for generation will depend on the assessment you are using. However, the procedure to generate a report is consistent across the talent assessment products.
Report in the left menu.
The Select a Report Type page appears.
Click Select for the report type you want to generate.
Select the participants you want to generate a report for. You can usually select multiple participants, though with multi-rater feedback products such as the EQ 360, you can only select a single participant.
Customize your report template. Depending on the assessment and report type, this can include selecting the language and norms for the report, adding a logo to your front page, and deciding what sections to include or exclude in the text.
Click Save As Template if you want to save your customized template for use with other participants. To reuse this template with other participants, select it from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Click Next to go to the Review page. Look over the choices you made for your report. Click Previous if you need to go back and make changes.
Click Place Order to generate your report.
The first time you generate a report for a participant, you will be charged a specified number of tokens. Regenerating a previously generated report is usually free; click here for details.