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This manual was edited by David Wiechorek and typeset in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign CC using Open-Sans font. The manual cover was designed by Wayne Venpin in Adobe InDesign CC and Adobe Illustrator CC.

Children’s Depression Inventory 2nd Edition (CDI 2), Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3), Conners 4, CAARS 2, Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Conners CBRS), Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (Conners CPT 3), Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC), Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory (CEFI), Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition (MASC 2), Rating Scale of Impairment (RSI), and Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scales (WFIRS) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.)

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Copyright © 2022, Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.). All rights reserved. No part of this technical manual, the sample reports, or any related materials protected by copyrights are to be printed or otherwise reproduced by any means, including electronic storage within a computer program or database, without the permission of the publisher. These materials may not be translated into a natural or computer language without permission. This copyright is protected through the laws of the United States, Canada, and other countries. Persons who violate the copyrights on these materials may be liable to prosecution. Ethical codes of various professional associations to which users are likely to belong specifically prohibit both illegal behaviors and actions that would deny other parties’ fair compensation for their work. Persons who violate professional ethical codes related to inappropriate and unfair use of these materials may be brought before the relevant professional associations to which they belong.

The information included in this manual does not constitute and shall not be considered the advice, recommendation, assessment, or endorsement of MHS. To the extent permitted by law, any statutory or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is completely denied and disclaimed. MHS shall not be liable for any third-party claims, lost profits, lost savings, loss of information, or any other incidental damages or other economic consequential damages resulting from the use of the manual. Published in Canada by Multi-Health Systems Inc.

When utilizing the information presented inside, we ask that you recognize that we will be updating the Manual periodically to coincide with newly available information and product updates. Please note, the content provided in this version of the Manual is the most accurate at the time of release and is subject to change without prior notice.

July 2022