This topic will help you export participants. For information on sending reminders to participants, click here.


Exporting participants

The manage page gives you the ability to download an Excel spreadsheet containing information on your participants.


To export participants to a spreadsheet

  1. Click the Assessments tab.

  2. Select the check box to the left of the participants that you want to export.

  3. Select Export Selected Participants from the I would like to... drop-down menu.

An Excel spreadsheet is automatically downloaded to your computer. This spreadsheet has columns for the participant's first and last name, Email address, status, created and completed date, the folder they were assigned to, and the invitation link.

Please note that the Excel file is in a comma-delimited (.csv) format. When you first open the file, we recommend that you click File > Save As and save the file as an Excel Workbook (.xlsx).