This topic will help you send reminders to all pending participants. For information on sending reminders to specific participants, click here.


Sending reminders to all pending participants

Participants with a status of pending have been invited to take the assessment but have not yet completed it.

To send a reminder email to all pending participants, follow the instructions below.


To send an email reminder to all pending participants

  1. Click the Assessments tab.

  2. Select Send Reminders to All Pending from the I would like to... drop-down menu.

    The Email Reminder dialog box appears. By default, the pending participants from All Folders will be included. If you want to send a reminder to only those from a specific folder, select the folder from the folder drop-down menu.

  1. Click Next.

    The text for the reminder email appears.

  1. Make any required changes to the email by typing directly in the text box. Do not delete the <Link> variable. If you do, the participant might not receive a link to take the assessment.

    If you want to enter any variable fields into your email, click the Select a Field to Insert drop-down menu and select the appropriate variable from the list.

  2. Click Send Reminders Now.

  3. A dialog box confirms that the reminders were sent. Click Done to close the message.