Age Ranges

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Parents and teachers can rate youth who are 6- to 18-years-old. Youth who are 8- to 18-years-old can complete the Self-Report form. The Conners 4 should not be used to rate anyone outside of these age ranges because it was developed to be used within this specific age range. The normative data do not apply beyond the age range that was studied.

To rate children younger than 6 years of age, please use the Conners Early Childhood™ (Conners EC™; Conners, 2009). If the child is 6 years old and in Kindergarten, the Conners EC is recommended. If the child is 6 years old and in Grade 1, the Conners 4 is recommended.

To rate adults (18 years and older), please use the Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS; Conners et al., 1999)1. If the youth is age 18 and in high school, the Conners 4 is recommended. If the youth is age 18 and out of high school (e.g., in college/university or not in school), the CAARS is recommended.

1 Development of the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales 2nd Edition (CAARS 2™; Conners et al., 2022) is in progress and will be coming soon. Like the CAARS, the CAARS 2 is normed for use with adults aged 18 years and older and will be the recommended test for these age groups.

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