Time Frame

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When completing the Conners 4, the rater should consider behavior in the past month. This time frame was selected for several reasons. First, raters generally find it easier to respond when they can answer based on a recent and fixed time frame. Second, the Conners 4 is meant to provide information on current/recent functioning. Responses based on the past month allow for sensitivity to change and a decreased chance of obtaining outdated historical information. Third, this one-month time frame increases the likelihood that the rater must have known the youth for at least a month and have sufficient opportunity to observe the youth’s behavior. This degree of familiarity is especially relevant for those completing the Teacher forms to ensure that they can provide informed ratings regarding the students’ current behavior. Finally, by prescribing a discrete time period of one month, it allows valid retesting at regular intervals, making the Conners 4 ideal for periodic monitoring.

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